We face most of the time a depression when a strange event or bad
news appears in our life. It can also make us sad for a while or even
months, depend of the person and you are not able to control yourself in
the depression. Some statistics show that 80% of people are depressed
due to loss of property or accidents and 20 other percent due to
separations. The depression is not a disease and it can happen to
everyone. In fact the hardest part is to manage this depression and get
back to a normal situation.
During the depression, people who have high-minded attempt to
control themselves by cons others succumb to this phenomenon and enter
into a critical phase. If you heard some bad news, you have to sit
quietly in one soft place and then start thinking about the good times
that you had in your life. Avoid thinking negatively because you will
still worsen the situation. The important thing is to consider all the
possible solutions to your problem, like everyone says, there is always a
solution to one problem.
Try to call your best friends and don’t say anything about the
matter, just speak with them normally, laugh with them and talk about
the best moments that you shared together. In the case you let them know
your problem you may worsen your situation. There are many types of
friends; those who are realistic, sensitive and other who are
Some friends have positive ideas and can simply tell you that they
understand your problem while giving you enough solution to make your
mind up. To fight against this depression you need to know how to
control yourself and stay constantly free in your mind. Think about the
problem already solved and appreciate the joy you feel when you are in
different moon.
You can observe a flexibility and new phenomenon that appear in your
body, which will decrease the depression in a record time. It is
especially important to practice this technique in a place without noise
and where you are alone. If you find that your condition is still
critical then makes an appointment with a psychologist and talk with him
about your condition so that you can receive a good treatment
appropriate to yourself.