Make money with internet cafe at home

An internet cafe at home can help people living around to take good advantage of the internet connection delivered and specially people who don’t have enough money to pay a connection every month. This business is mostly doing by students and people that are looking to make some money with their internet connection.

People who want to make money with an internet cafe at home have to first get all the necessary elements to create this internet cafe such as computers, router or modem, cables and all those things. In fact there are two kinds of making money with an internet cafe at home. Some people used to create a space in their home while putting all the stuff. The rest of people buy a high speed internet and share the connection with people around their living place while charging some money every month or two weeks.

People who transformed their home into an internet cafe have to be careful on their materials. Computers and specially laptops tend to spoil early when they are using by many people. The advantage with an internet cafe at home is that the business is inside the house so it’s very important to improve the activity while doing a free night browsing (from 11PM-5PM), transform the yard of the house by a place to drink a coffee or browsing in a good condition for people that used to come with their laptops. People coming to browse don’t need hard food, they just need a small thing to taste and continue their work.

Another people share their internet connection with the whole building in which they live. It’s easy for people who share their internet connection to make money as they don’t need to pay enough electricity bills, to change their computers spoils and more. They only need to create many users accounts for people that use their internet connection and also verify their accounts most of the time. These people also need to make sure that the connection is always fast as some users will not want their internet connection if it’s slow.

Also with the money receive with users, the owner of this internet cafe will buy his monthly subscription and get small money for himself. It’s another way to help people and get small money in return.

An internet cafe at home is very useful for people looking to make money with their internet connection while helping people in return. But the problem is this internet cafe at home can be very dangerous for the person that shares his network in his building. This person has to sell the internet connection to a normal price so that it cannot affect the company where he subscribed.

Making money with an internet cafe at home requires a small investment for people that use their own house to make this business. And they also need sometimes some Electronics disposal services contrary to the person that shares his own internet connection which is free but can’t get the same money like people who use transform their house into an internet cafe.