Student’s life in hostels

Many people and specially students study in different country already lived or see inside an hostel. The life in these institutions is often hard to face. In each country there is at least one hostel where students and even workers are living. These students can spend 2 to 3 years or even more in these hostels.

Students in general often have a difficulty to rent an apartment that’s why they prefer to spend years in hostels to continue their schools. Among all these places there are some hostels where students are allowed to sleep by group in a same room. Some students can rent a room where they will sleep alone and there are other types of students that can rent an apartment or even associate themselves with friends to rent a big house while dividing the charges per person.

Between all the types of hostels, the life is very difficult in the hostel where students sleep by group (3 to 5). They have to know how to manage the moods of other students. Sometimes they can get a dispute with their neighbors or even realized that they steal one of their goods. To better adapt themselves on these kinds of hostels they must always keep their cool attitude.

There are many rules in these hostels such as closing the gate at 10PM, never smoke in the area and more. Each student must manage his time to be there before they close the gate. It’s impossible to climb or break the security system of this gate. These gates are similar than solid oak doors internal and do not need a guard in front. Once close they cannot do anything apart from open it with a key.

Living in such hostels can help student to better control and manage their real moods. The beginnings will be of course very difficult but they will love later the life in community. On another level, rent a room can help student better focus on school. They can choose to modify some doors by doors moldings, put their money anywhere in the room and go outside at any time. They will be their own father and mother but the only problem they’ll encounter will be in case of sickness or lack of money. In these cases they can never see some people around to help them or take care of them and at this moment they can start to think about the other life their friends have in hostels where they live in community.

Those who rent some apartments or associate themselves with their friends to rent a big house feel twice better than students who rent a room. They can get a chance to have a garden, a kitchen for them or even toilets in every room. These students encounter the same problems as those students living alone but they can also get a chance to have people around them to talk and share their problems. Their big difficulty is to pay the electricity and water bills without forgetting the telephone subscriptions every month.

The life of these students is similar to the parent’s life. In other part another people are still dreaming to be in a place of students living alone as they can design their room in cars, add any paint they want and even make some bespoke internal doors for their room.