Online black market to sell Albums, eBooks and many items

If you are a new seller and you live somewhere in the world, you can make enough sales while staying at home. There are many online black markets such as eBay, Amazon, iTunes store, Google Music and other platforms where you can allow people take a great benefit of your novel. These online black markets as Americans like to call will help you promote many products.
All these companies are working on the internet which is a great advantage to sell without doing a 
lot of effort.

eBay is the best online black market for beginners because they will give you an opportunity to sell everything you own. Decorative items, perfumes, watches, electronic accessories, everything is possible with eBay. New musicians in the field can add their albums on Google Music or iTunes store. Amazon belongs to writer who want to earn from their eBooks.

Although you may sell many kinds of products, note that these online black markets will refuse to sell some of your products on their websites. eBay does not allow you to sell home use cosmetics products Jackets made with animals skins, you can sell entrance game tickets and coupon codes. If you are a musician or writers, make sure your album and eBook get a copyright before trying to sell it on the appropriate online black market.

All these platforms will offer many payment methods such as PayPal, credit card, bank account and much more. It is up to you to choose the method of payment you want. Also, this payment method chosen has to be supported by your country.
If people don’t hear about your products, you will never get sale

These online black markets intermediate and take care of transactions between buyer and seller. It is up to you to make sure that people visit your space markets.
look for forums related to your products (eBooks, Albums, clothing ...). Integrate discussions, talk about you as a seller, and then give advice. After getting more than 30 posts and replies, you can start sharing the links of your products on forums.

Be very careful because if you start to share your links early, some webmasters of forums will automatically delete your account.