How the world must face the global warming

Global warming grows fast since the globalization. Since 2000, this phenomenon caused major changes to our environment and it’s now becoming a hard phenomenon to fight because of the big emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from major industries, cars in our atmosphere and the use of fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil.

It has also caused a lot of impacts on people's health. In Africa for example, higher temperatures favor the proliferation of mosquitoes and people are more exposed to diseases like malaria, dengue and other insects. By cons in other countries like U.S. and UK, Scientifics have demonstrated through research that large lung infections caused by bacteria which attributes to global warming affected populations. The most common diseases are hyperthermia or heat stroke which can cause a death if not treated.

Global warming has also caused a rise in sea levels. The coast bordering in the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and Sub-Saharan Africa are most expose from the effects of global warming. In this statistics the World Health Organization (WHO) show that this warming is responsible for 150,000 deaths annually, a figure expected to double by 2030 if we don't take a precaution.

In addition, global warming has lead to droughts in Africa and worsens the living conditions of populations. Farmers spoke at this time of the loss of agricultural productivity. According to the World Wild life Fund, this change could have a significant impact on rainfall patterns, food security and water supply of millions of people. The rising temperatures could cause food shortages affecting 130 million people in Asia and serious consequences for the African population. People with heart problems are more vulnerable to rising temperatures, especially those who already live in warm climates, because their cardiovascular system must operate at a higher pressure to keep the body temperature to normal levels.

To better fight against this scourge, rich countries specially must enjoy using their technological advances to create a more powerful air conditioner and build homes with plans to block the heat. In addition the other countries must use their resources and public health systems to build outbreaks such as mosquito nets or big brewers to prevent the Global warming.

Although global warming has impacts on health and the environment, note that it also constitutes a threat to national security, affecting food security and promoting conflicts concerning access to resources. We have a duty to fight together to save our environment and the future generation.